Why Are You Still A Christian After Reading This? (Thorough)

A true Bible study may actually shake your faith and even cause you to reconsider your association with Christianity. These are things your pastor isn’t going to utter in a Bible study (ironic that it’s called a study). My new life as a professor in science has really opened new doors to me. It has also closed a dark door in my past – Christianity. Many of you hear about some of the positive themes of Christianity, such as “love” and the whole “Jesus saves” story. I’m here to share with you some of the things I found in the Bible. I’m warning you that if you’re reasonable and honest and you ask questions – you might not like the answers.
Shake Your Faith: The Truth
I spent a long time as a hardcore Christian, until I started questioning what was actually in the Bible – the parts that pastors never mention in church. The process of walking away took years and was very unsettling. Piece by piece, the entire Christianity system crumbled. I will attempt to be thorough in this article, since I want to explain some not-so-well-known verses and the serious problems they should create for rational, reasonable, and honest individuals. This is real content taken from the Bible.
My first hint was observing other Christians. I saw how Christians were treating non-believers. I saw how they used the Bible to justify laws and wars. I saw people talking in tongues, snake handling, rolling around on the floor, crying, etc. I saw that Christianity was just one of several ancient religions. There are even stories before Jesus with the same previously used storyline (e.g. Horus, etc.). However, I wanted to better understand the Bible and actually study what it said – outside of all the picking and choosing churches typically do.
I started with basic questions, like creationism, which science clearly refutes. You learn in basic science that dating methods and associated evidence supports a totally different story, in direct contradiction to nearly every claim of the Bible. That started serious questions about contradictions in the Bible. Thanks to the internet, Christianity is being reduced in numbers because people can now access so much free information about science and history. Some sites, such as BibViz, show thousands of Bible contradictions. Don’t believe it? See it for yourself. Having a book with so many contradictions is a good sign something is wrong. How many contradictions are you ok with until you stop and think it’s BS?
The most disturbing thing happened next. I thought of all the major political issues around the world, such as wars, genocide, abortion, homosexuality, sex before marriage, etc. I remember politicians that bait the masses by uttering random Bible verses in their campaign. What does the Bible say about these things? What I found was shocking and it started the process of me questioning Christianity and finally walking away.
Did you know that the God of the Bible performed mass abortions?
Christians often speak about being pro-life. Ironically, that’s not exactly in-line with the Bible. See for yourself:
Did you know that the God of the Bible murdered everyone on Earth, after he created it and said he was pleased?
Here was also one of the first big lies I discovered. False premise: Christians say he did it to wipe out evil, yet evil exists afterwards (so did he fail?). It’s still mass murder. Just because someone doesn’t do what you say doesn’t mean you murder them, right? Remember the lady that drowned several of her kids in a bathtub for being disobedient? How is that any different than God of the Bible drowning everyone on Earth (in the flood story) for being disobedient to him? It’s mass murder.
Did you know that the God of the Bible is actually Satan?
The God of the Bible specifically says that he created evil and does evil. He says so himself. See for yourself. Evil isn’t good and you would think that a Christian wouldn’t worship someone that creates, says, and does evil, right? If you’re a Christian, you might be saying this is outrageous. Crack open your Bible and confirm it for yourself:
Did you know the Bible is not actually pro-life?
How can you claim to be pro-life with so much murder and killing – a major theme of the Bible? Kill those who have sex before marriage? Kill non-believers? Kill those that curse (simply say words)? Kill gays? Kill innocent infants? Kill. Murder. Kill. Kill. Kill. Honestly, none of this seems to be pro-life. Would you honestly want to live in a country that used the Bible for life, law, and political guidance? See for yourself:
Kill Witches (Exodus 22:17 NAB)
Kill Homosexuals (Leviticus 20:13 NAB)
Kill Fortunetellers (Leviticus 20:27 NAB)
Death for Hitting Dad. (Exodus 21:15 NAB)
Death for Cursing Parents (Proverbs 20:20 NAB)
All who curse their father or mother must be put to death. They are guilty of a capital offense. (Leviticus 20:9 NLT)
Death for Adultery (Leviticus 20:10 NLT)
Death for Fornication (Leviticus 21:9 NAB)
Death to Followers of Other Religions. (Exodus 22:19 NAB)
Kill Nonbelievers (2 Chronicles 15:12-13 NAB)
Kill False Prophets (Zechariah 13:3 NAB)
Kill the Entire Town if One Person Worships Another God (Deuteronomy 13:13-19 NLT)
Kill Women Who Are Not Virgins On Their Wedding Night (Deuteronomy 22:20-21 NAB)
Kill Followers of Other Religions. (Deuteronomy 13:7-12 NAB)
Mention another God? Kill em! (Deuteronomy 17:2-5 NLT)
Death for Blasphemy (simply speaking). (Leviticus 24:10-16 NLT)
Kill False Prophets (Deuteronomy 13:1-5 NLT) (Deuteronomy 18:20-22 NLT)
Infidels and Gays Should Die (Romans 1:24-32 NLT)
Kill Anyone who Approaches the Tabernacle (Numbers 1:48-51 NLT)
Kill People for Working on the Sabbath (Exodus 31:12-15 NLT)
Kill Brats (2 Kings 2:23-24 NAB)
God Kills the Curious (1Samuel 6:19-20 ASV)
Kill Sons of Sinners (Isaiah 14:21 NAB)
God Will Kill Children (Hosea 9:11-16 NLT)
Kill Men, Women, and Children (Ezekiel 9:5-7 NLT)
God Kills all the First Born of Egypt (Exodus 12:29-30 NLT)
Kill Old Men and Young Women (Jeremiah 51:20-26)
God Will Kill the Children of Sinners (Leviticus 26:21-22 NLT)
More Rape and Baby Killing (Isaiah 13:15-18 NLT)
Mass Murder (1 Samuel 15:2-3 NAB)
God Kills Some More (Jeremiah 15:1-4 NLT)
You Have to Kill (Jeremiah 48:10 NAB)
The Danites Kill the Next Town (Joshua 19:47 NAB)
God Promises More Killing (Ezekiel 35:7-9 NLT)
The Angel of Death (Exodus 23:23 NAB)
God Kills an Extended Family (1 Kings 14:9-16 NLT)
Mass Murder (Judges 20:48 NAB)
The Angel of Death (2 Kings 19:35 NAB)
Kill Your Neighbors (Exodus 32:26-29 NLT)
Kill the Family of Sinners. (Joshua 7:19-26 Webster’s Bible)
Kill Followers of Other Religions (Numbers 25:1-9 NLT)
Kill All of Babylon (Jeremiah 50:21-22 NLT)
Micah Kills a Whole Town. (Judges 18:27-29 NLT) (Note that God approves of this slaughter in verse 6.)
Death to the Rape Victim promoted/commanded (Deuteronomy 22:23-24 NAB)
Rape of Female Captives promoted (Deuteronomy 21:10-14 NAB)
Rape and the Spoils of War (Judges 5:30 NAB)
God Assists Rape and Plunder (Zechariah 14:1-2 NAB)
Exodus 32:27… In this scripture reference, God himself murders about 3,000 people for simply looking at a statue. Imagine going to a museum and looking in awe at a statue, then being executed for it… that is hateful! God did it! God is hateful.
See this link for even more Bible examples of god murdering and commanding others to murder. I also had problems with the astonishing human sacrifices in the Bible. That’s also murder.
The Decision
What issue bothered me the most? The fact that God kills so much and demands all kinds of blood sacrifices? The fact that the perfect God created such a flawed world on purpose doesn’t make any sense. The extremely hateful, violent things in the Bible repel me. This is so contradictory to the typical lovely message most preachers speak about: love thy neighbor, etc. If I’m to be honest to myself, I have a serious problem worshiping a guy that purposely created evil. Free will is a lame and rather illogical excuse. This God of the Bible did so many horrific acts that make him worse than any war criminal. The Bible clearly isn’t pro-life. I had a problem with the violence, injustice, sexism, homophobia, slavery, rape, illogical thinking, contradictions, and need for so many bloody sacrifices in the Bible.
I have problems with the very start of the Bible. Imagine a father purposely tricking his son/daughter with poison, purposely placed within reach, which is exactly what the Garden of Eden story was about. What kind of loving father does that? Would you do that to your own kids? Are you satisfied with the other typical lame excuse that we can’t know the mind of God?
When you look at the entire Bible, not just the good/warm feeling parts, you conclude this is the mind of a lunatic that often contradicts himself. Somehow, this God is concerned about people having sex. This God helps Christians win a football game or find their keys, while ignoring starving children, cancer, wars, suffering, and every single other serious issue in life. I had an honest problem with that. Do you?
After finding these horrible parts of the Bible, I was often given lame excuses as to why it was all ok. I was told: “God can do anything he wants, even kill. When he kills, it’s ok. When we kill, it’s not ok.” Yeah, that makes total sense. I was not satisfied with that answer. Or… “oh, it’s context. It’s a metaphor…” The context excuse is a nice attempt to excuse the evil in the Bible, but it’s clearly not a context issue when it’s clearly stated over and over in specific terms and within the context of where it appears. The other lame attempt by pastors to ignore this is the lie that “Jesus came so the Old Testament is no longer in effect.” Not true, according to the Bible. Jesus specifically said that all of the Old Testament is still in effect and not a single piece of it should be ignored:
What’s in the Bible doesn’t even matter – because it’s just an ancient story and there’s no evidence to back it up. It’s a third-party story passed down from a previous story and then modified years later by more third parties. It’s a story. What’s problematic is the cultish system of indoctrination and theocratic thinking, which actually becomes dangerous to human progress. Christianity is in conflict with modern science. How can I say that? I’m a modern scientist. I get into arguments with hardcore Christians, just like most other modern scientists. Science contradicts the Bible’s major claims, like creationism, miracles, coming back to life, healing the blind, talking snakes, etc.
When you have people in positions of power that claim to get ideas from imaginary sky gods, it’s a problem. Some of these people use force to get what they want. It’s the mindset. If you believe in a mystical ancient fairy tale, then what would you not believe in? It would seem that such a person could be easily misled. Things could get pretty scary. Rather than go into details, think about the historical Salem witch trials.
Religious people thought innocent people were possessed by the devil and they killed them – flat out murder. They did it based on Biblical guidance. Modern science says some of these people that were “shaking” violently (that religious people accused of being possessed) simply had medical problems, like chemical imbalances, or seizures, which is no reason to kill someone. However, if you’re thinking in the ancient Biblical mind, emotions get the best of you and you probably make bad decisions. This isn’t safe for any country. Christianity poses a threat to human progress, freedom, science, and individual rights.
Be Reasonable & Honest
I was a hardcore Christian that had been baptized, believed in Jesus, and everything in the Bible. I practiced Christianity, prayed all the time, did work at the church, and regularly attended studies. The more I began to think on my own and question things, the more I began to see serious problems with the claims of the Bible and the whole belief system of Christianity. I told myself, it’s time to be honest and reasonable, especially with myself. It’s not just Christianity, it’s ancient religion in general. They seem to have the same content and themes. It’s also arrogant to think every other religion except Christianity is wrong. It’s more than coincidental to realize that a person thinks the religion he/she was born into is correct and everyone else is wrong.
What does science say about this Bible claim? What does science say about creationism and miracles? Are the contents and claims of the Bible reasonable and logical? Is there any unbiased evidence, outside of the Bible, that support the claims or contents of it? The overwhelming answer I got from being reasonable, honest, looking for evidence, and applying modern science was a resounding NO.
I challenge people to be honest and reasonable. Is it reasonable to be tortured for eternity for a finite crime (if any)? What kind of loving god constantly kills masses and causes suffering for all of time, when it could have been avoided or prevented to begin with? What kind of friend tells you he loves you, but if you don’t give your life to him, then you’re going to be tortured for eternity? How can you give your time and mind over to an ancient book that has no real evidence to support any of its claims? How can you avoid all of the evil, violent, unreasonable, illogical, homophobic, and sexist content of the Bible? How can you say it’s worth anything, given all of the contradictions within it? Why should we respect religions that don’t respect basic human rights?
There’s also challenge to those that attack atheists. Atheism is simply not believing in a god. Talk to them and listen to reason. However, let’s say that God does exist and the Bible is true (for the sake of argument). Given what God did to people, the suffering he created, and the maniac behavior he exhibits, how can anyone consider such a being worthy of worship? How can a moral person be ok with an innocent person (Jesus) being killed so he/she/you can sin? That’s not a model story – it’s unreasonable, illogical (let me send myself down to kill myself, so I can save you from myself and what I will do to you, if you don’t worship me?), and would be considered highly illegal in modern times.
Hope Outside of Lies
Despite what you and I were told about non-believers and the “falling away” that leaving the faith causes, I’m here to tell you that there’s a better life for you outside of the chains of Christianity. My new life started by asking questions — and actually reading the Bible, you know, the parts that are typically kept from the people. Non-believers are not evil people that are beneath Christians. Life does exist outside of primitive mysticism – and you can have a good life away from it. But what happens after we die? Nobody knows, including Christianity. Why not live for today and tomorrow? You can live a good life outside of Christianity. You have to be willing to accept that something you’ve been indoctrinated with for years might not be reality.
The first thing that made me question Christianity was its leadership and followers. I noticed that they all simply label themselves, yet they are just average humans that are no different than anyone else (maybe a little more gullible). They don’t like to be seriously questioned about the Bible. They don’t like the fact that there’s no evidence to support the claims of the Bible – and the fact that the Bible is just an ancient book (not evidence itself). They don’t like being told the terrible, illegal things that God did (there are numerous in-context verses that spell such genocidal and murder acts out). They will often call people that question them “evil” or say that the “devil is playing with your mind.” Pastors frequently repeat “apologetics” techniques they learn in religion school, in order to justify the horrible things in the Bible (either make an excuse or just say God can do whatever he wants because he’s God –- lame). These are techniques used to keep you from walking away. Ignorance is bliss.
Churches depend on attendance and incoming monies. They frequently use fear and emotion to keep people coming (you’re broken, you need me). Church leaders, also many politicians, will tell you whatever you want to hear to keep you hooked. There’s so much fraud and misleading and it’s embarrassing that such large numbers of people would fall for it. The old saying is true – emotions get the best of people – and they know it. In fact, many indoctrinated Christians will be so used to this rhetoric and ideology that they will even be mad at me for simply writing this article and pointing out what’s actually in the Bible (imagine that).
Indoctrinated people are programmed to halt critical thinking and act out of blind emotion, attacking anyone that questions their religion. I remember the death threats from “loving” Christians, angry because someone is trying to share facts and knowledge that could help them. It became obvious that the behavior towards outsiders was similar to a cult, which should alarm every single person that identifies as a Christian. Who would actually be mad at someone for sharing facts and knowledge? Remember, I was once a Christian. I understand how you don’t like people that “dog on Christians.” The truth is Christianity does real damage to people. Pointing out overall facts is also not a simple complaint or a single bad experience with a specific religion, the entire idea of Christianity does damage.
Christian churches often claim you’re all one big family, until you question something or tell them you no longer believe. Sometimes, kids are even thrown out of a home for simply not believing or going to church. Suddenly, you’re cut off, painted as evil, or my favorite, “he must have not been a true Christian.” I can guarantee you that I prayed and participated in/practiced Christianity more than most Christians. Besides, how arrogant is it for one person to know what a private relationship was like? Despite this, I often see Christians attack those that walk away with this lame explanation – “he was weak, not a true Christian.”
The truth is, it isn’t healthy to be an adult that believes in a magical being that gives them voices in their head. What’s even scarier is having someone in a position of power that hears voices in their head (maybe telling them to go to war, for example). Had I erased the name God/Jesus and simply replaced it with anything else, most Christians would actually agree with me. However, the indoctrination of Christianity and its apologetics efforts continue to fight honesty and reason – while ignoring the horrible, immoral, and illegal things the God of the Bible did and what he commands, while also claiming to be morally superior to non-believers.

For these reasons, which are honestly valid, reasonable, logical, and supported by modern science – I left Christianity. Despite what I was told and the threats of hell and torture, I felt a large burden lifted off my back (almost immediately). Now, my time is spent educating students on science and how awesome our universe is – letting them know they have potential. They are not doomed to hell, or born “a sinner,” and I no longer treat people the way Christianity treated me. I’m told by apologetics that “not all Christians” are like that. The problem is – they are. These ideologies are inherently spelled out within the Bible. If it’s a true Bible following church, then it is exactly the way I explained it.
Life is good outside of Christianity. I save lives through techniques that have been proven effective, which is far more than any prayer has ever done. There’s no longer the fear of thought crimes, hell, or the Tribulation. The chains Christianity creates often cause social problems, such as fear of associating with non-believers, being overly judgmental, homophobic, and mean to others. I also no longer have to worry at night about justifying a continued belief in a lie, enormous contradictions, and illogical thinking that resulted in simply giving the God of the Bible a blank check to do whatever he wanted. I finally felt free and could focus on making something of my life – true progress. What scientific invention or knowledge has ever resulted from the Bible? What use is there in a book filled with large amounts of illogical thoughts, homophobia, scientifically inaccurate claims, racism, slavery, genocide, sexism, mass murder, and hate?
Personal Challenge to You
I challenge you to be honest and reasonable with yourself. Ask questions. Verify what I said. Ask yourself, is this true? Logical? Reasonable? Where’s the evidence? Don’t be afraid to ask questions. The moment a religious person tries to use fear tactics on you and doesn’t answer basic questions is the moment you know there’s a problem. Will you listen to reason?

It’s astonishing that people can suspend their common sense, decency, and be so cold to think that it’s acceptable for someone to purposely create and allow suffering, especially if it could be prevented. “Nobody knows the reasons God does these things.” The other excuse is “God works in mysterious ways.” In any other case, people would find someone that purposely creates and allows evil to be a terrible person that is unworthy of worship or praise. Somehow, Christians give the ancient make-believe mythical God of the Bible a free blank check to do whatever he wants, halting all common sense and humanity. I find this troublesome and it just further suggested it was time to leave such a ridiculous practice and belief system behind.
What kind of friend never talks to you, never physically appears, and leaves you waiting thousands of years in suffering? There’s so much false hope in Christianity, based out of ancient ignorance.
There is real hope outside of the false hope of Christianity. Good people can come together and work to solve problems and even get people through tough times. Science offers so much more promise and tangible benefits than ancient fairy tales and religious traditions. No good person would purposely create or allow suffering. What kind of person worships one that does?
There is hope, but it starts with individuals being honest with themselves. Why are you still a Christian? Why is the Bible relevant, if you know it’s full of fear, ignorance, contradictions, and has no legitimate evidence to support any major claim it makes? Many of our smartest scientists are urging the world to move past the fear and ignorance of the Christian Bible. The popular Dr. Lawrence Krauss, a well-known science educator, has often mentioned that the “Bible is irrelevant.” The Bible represents ancient fear and ignorance, but we have science. Science continues to fill in the gaps of past ignorance. Science continues to progress and answer more questions about our world and universe.
We don’t know everything as scientists, but we do know that it is time to admit that the Bible is irrelevant and dangerous to our government, freedom, and future. Science is not faith or a religion. Gravity exists, whether you believe it or not. Science is a proven method, or process, of gaining knowledge through factual observation, prediction, testability, and falsification. Science gives us our best method to make decisions, discover, improve, and progress as humans. People can be good without the fear and ignorance the Bible offers.
It’s interesting that some Christians claim they are being persecuted. How many politicians (top leaders) claim to be Christian? How many churches are there in the US? Are they all getting tax breaks? How can anyone take the persecution claim seriously, when it’s mostly Christians persecuting others? Some Christians often claim they are being persecuted at the same time they are persecuting others, such as gays. If people continue to infringe on the freedoms and rights of others in the name of the Bible, then they are willfully ignorant — and hypocrites. Willful ignorance and hypocrisy sets our country back. The way to combat fear and ignorance is to respond with facts and knowledge, through science education, being honest with ourselves, and making an informed decision to leave the irrelevant Bible behind.
Nobody said it’s fun to have something you’ve believed in for so long questioned. It’s also not a process that happens overnight. It’s a life-changing experience. You only have one life to live – to have an open mind and experience the world. Christianity does not promote such open minds, tolerance, progress, science, or freedom. If a country were to follow even half of what the Bible says, it would be the most oppressive country on Earth. Even Christians would abandon it in a second (at that point, ironically, if they only knew what was actually in the Bible).
How can anyone honestly still be a Christian, after knowing what’s really in the Bible, the unspeakable pain and suffering the God of the Bible purposely created and allows, and the fact that it’s just an ancient book with no outside supporting evidence to confirm any major claim it makes? Why are you still a Christian?
Special thanks to: BibViz, No Beliefs, and Evil Bible. Someone actually did a real Bible study and published the verses to show people.
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